Seminar Nov 19: Designing Innovation – setting design in motion to realise industrial and societal transformation

Welcome to a SIG-PM seminar focusing on future product development and the role of engineering in the future society hosted by SIG PM and Product Development Academy
The seminar will be held November 19, 9.00-11.00 online, and is planned as a follow up from the ICED’21 conference held in August, and present a report from the workshop held Friday 20th August 2021 at the 23rd Industrial Conference on Engineering Design (ICED) in Gothenburg.
The seminar will, in workshop format, go through the report and its highlights.
Why to transform
- We enter a world with a need for new solutions, and need knowledge based skill development to cope with this.
- “People” need to be able to make informed decisions: what can Design do when realising Innovation?
- What we (industry, society) need to develop WILL require another way of working – yet need to benefit from experience?
- Who owns the problem? “Some-one-else” gets a lot to do… Universities need to re-think… Industry needs to transform … Societal “wants” for transformation…
- Design is a competence, skill, theory and practice, that is needed to realise innovation
What to transform
- The Cross-Disciplinary Design Capabilities will be a bottleneck…
- Sustainable is systemic, not isolated
- Life long learning: What should be tought? Who will be the educators?
- Design needs to understand and include the driving mechanisms and constraints of design
- What is the “effect” of AGILE development on design? Outside software development, the design skills/support? Is it ready?
How to transform
- Seek effectiveness in knowledge to impact.
- From “hunter” to “farmer”; seed, fertilize, caress, trim, harvest, produce and benefit. Each link is weak…
- Awareness of the mechanisms between science and innovation
The event is free to join, SIG PM members (become member) will have access to documentation from the meeting.
>>Register here:<<
A collaborative event between SIG-PM, Product Development Academy and collaborating academy.