Designing solutions for a dynamic future

Welcome to two workshop days in Skellefteå with company visits and talks around the topic of designing solutions for a dynamic future! We also hold the yearly SIG PM general assembly meeting. PROGRAM Tuesday 21 March Wednesday 22 March Read more/preparation: Registration 1000 SEK for SIG PM/PDA members (become member here) and as a […]

SIG-PM to support ICED21 conference

The International Conference of Engineering Design is the top conference bringing academic and industrial community together. 2021 it is hosted byt Chalmers in Gothenburg. SIG-PM is supporting the conference and also plans activities in dialogue with the conference organisers. More info on ICED21:

Seminar: Model-driven product development

Since 2013, BTH, together with business partners, has run a research project with a focus on model-driven development and decision support focused on supporting the development of tomorrow’s sustainable product-service solutions. The project will end in March 2019 and results will start to be available. In collaboration with SIG-PM and the Product Development Academy, the […]

Proceedings of the 1st Nordic Conference on Product Lifecycle Management – NordPLM’06

Editor Johan Malmqvist Chalmers, Product and Production Development, Product Development Categorizing Subject categories Production technology, work science and ergonomics Identifiers ISBN 9197507938, 9789197507936